
Archive for February, 2011

Dearest Daughter,

On Friday, February 11,2011 we went to your four-month check up. I was so excited to take you to this appointment because I wanted to know how much you had grown. Since your last doctor appointment we had to go out and buy you all new clothes. Your clothes fit you in the waist but your legs were growing so long that you were desperately in need of longer pants. Your FatherĀ  and I had to get you nine month clothes. You are swimming in the tops of your pajamas but at least your legs can stretch out now.

At your four-month check up you weighed in at 14.6 lbs. This put you in the 75th percentile for weight. You measured in at 26 inches in length. Your length was in the 95th percentile. The doctor was so happy with your growth and development. At this appointment we were given the go ahead to start you on rice cereal. Immediately after your appointment we went to the store and got all the supplies we needed. We purchased rice cereal, bowls and spoons. We were finally going to put all those bibs to use.

Here you are four months old with your Mopsy and Pops

Here you are at four months old with us.

In the past four months you have developed so much. There are so many things that you can do now. It seems like everyday you become more and more vocal and I LOVE it! You and I can sit and chat all day. It is so much fun. You are such a good baby. You are pure JOY!

You give me the motivation to be the best person and Mom that I can be!

Love Always,


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I am having so much fun with you. I look forward to planning little things that we can do together. For Valentine’s Day I wanted us to make some treats for people at my work and for your babysitter, Melissa.

Here is the Valentine that we sent to our Family.

Here you are hard at work helping me make cake balls.

You were such a good helper. You laughed, smiled and entertained me the entire time.

Happy First Valentine’s Day My Darling Daughter!

I love you,


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