
Archive for December, 2010


You are growing into a BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING little person. You bring so much joy to our house. Your smiles and coos in the morning bring life into your Father and I. We awake each morning just waiting to see you.

We took you to your two month doctor appointment on December 9,2010. Dr.Cavanaugh was so happy to see you. He said that you are growing wonderfully.

At your two month appointment you weighed in at 12 lbs 2 ounces.  You are in the 90th percentile for weight. You measured 23 1/4 in length. You are in the 75th percentile for height. You are growing just beautifully.

Here are some pictures we took on your two month birthday.

God gave us the gift of being your parents. We love you!


Mom and Dad

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Your Bewitching Hour

Sweet Girl,

Starting at around the second week of your life you began to have what was called a bewitching hour. You would turn into a crying screaming baby at around 7 pm every night. You would have your crying fit until about 9 pm. During those two hours we could calm you down for a few minutes here and there. This went on until you were about 7 weeks old. It did not matter what your Father and I did to try to make you happy, you would just cry and cry.

Here is a picture of you crying during your bewitching time.

During this time we tried so many things to calm you down. Each of the things we tried worked in some capacity. Some worked a little better than others. Your Uncle Hugh did some research and he learned that the sound of the blow dryer would calm down some babies. He tried it with you and to our surprise it worked. If we did not have the blow dryer around us he would make the noise with his mouth and you would quite down. It was very funny when he did this.

We would put you in the laundry room and turn the dryer on. The noise of the dryer would make you stop crying sometimes.

We would put you in your backpack carrier and I would walk you around outside and inside.

We would put you in your swing. You enjoyed looking at the lambs dancing above your head. Your swing also played a variety of music that you enjoyed.

You also liked it when you Dad would carry you around on his arm.  As soon as he put you on his arm you would calm down and begin babbling. This picture was taken when you had a meltdown at the mall.

We were very glad when you outgrew this stage. We were able to handle your crying. The hard part was knowing that something was upsetting you. We felt bad that you were so upset. You are now such a pleasant baby in the evenings. You are full of smiles and babbles.

You are  a bundle of firsts that excite and delight us. You have giggles that come from deep inside and are always contagious. You are everything wonderful and precious and our  love for you knows no bounds.


Your Parents

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Your First Smile


You take our breath away everyday. One of the prettiest things we have ever seen in our life is your smile. We have seen glimpses of your smile since you were born. We were anxiously waiting for your first true honest smile that you would flash us.

Here you are at about two weeks old smiling.

You flashed your first real toothless smile at 5 weeks old. You showed it to me while we were laying in bed together. I was talking to you as you were looking out the bedroom window and you turned your head to look back at me and you smiled. The earth stopped spinning as I gazed at you. My heart skipped a beat and I could not wait for you to show me your smile again. I have tried so many times to capture your smile. I have not been able to get a photograph of it for many weeks. It was not until recently that I was able to snap a photo that shows your beautiful smiling face. We feel so honored and blessed that we get to share these moments with you. We are so lucky that God gave you to us.

Here you are at 7 weeks old smiling away!


Daughters are angels sent from above to fill our heart with unending love.

With Never Ending Love,

Your Parents

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You have brought so much joy to your Father and I so far this year. Your birth came just in time for many exciting holidays. You were just a little over one month old when we got to celebrate your first Thanksgiving with you. I wish I could say something fun and exciting happened but you pretty much slept all day.You were a very good baby for this day. You let everyone hold you and spend time with you.Your Aunt Carleen, Aunt Brittney and I did the cooking while your Dad, Uncle Hugh and Jesus watched football.

We are so blessed to have you in our life and we can not wait to spend many more Thanksgivings with you.

Here is your first Thanksgiving outfit.

First Thanksgiving pictures with us.

Here you are on Thanksgiving with your Uncle Hugh.

A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous…full of beauty and forever beautiful…loving and caring and truly amazing.

With Love,

M & D

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Sweet Girl,

Halloween is the first holiday that we got to spend with you. We went up to your Mopsy’s house in Mineral Wells and had a wonderful time. Your Aunt Misty got you an adorable lady bug Halloween outfit. You were so cute in the outfit.  You helped your Mopsy and I hand out candy to all of the trick or treaters. Everyone thought you were so adorable!

Here are a few pictures of you in your first Halloween outfit.

We view you as a treasured gift!


Mom and Dad

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You have had numerous visitors since your birth. One unforgettable visit came when your Grandma and Grandpa flew from California to visit you.Your Uncle Tim also made the trek to Austin with them. Since your birth your Grandparents could not wait to meet you. It was hard for them to wait until November 10,2010 to hold you. You had a wonderful visit with your Grandparents.

You really enjoyed sitting up in your Grandpa’s strong grip. You liked how he would let you look around.


You loved the cuddles and kisses your Grandma gave you.


Your eyes sparkled when you gazed at your uncle Tim.


We love tucking you in every night and waking up to your smiles.


M & D

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Baby Girl,

Your Great Aunt Carmen and Great Grandma Sophia could not wait to meet you. Shortly after we brought you home they made the drive up to Austin to meet you. It was a such a great day for all of us.  We were in your room changing your diaper when they walked into the house. I could hear their excitement building with every step up the stairs to your room. As soon as they walked in your room Aunt Carmen picked you up and smothered you in kisses. We could all see the anticipation building in Grandma Sophia’s face so you were quickly handed off to her. After Grandma Sophia got a hold of you it was nearly impossible for her to give you up to anyone else. She sat on the couch with you for the entire visit just gazing into your beautiful face. It was hard for them to leave you. They made me promise that we would visit often.

Here are some pictures from their visit.


Four Generations


Our love for you only grows stronger every day.


Your Parents

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Your Mopsy and Pops


Since you came a week earlier than we expected your Mopsy and Pops had to change their fight plans at the last-minute. Your Mopsy could not make it to Austin until 1 pm on Saturday, October 9,2010. She was so excited to see you. The second she saw you her eyes swelled up with tears. She immediately wrapped her arms around you and gave you some of the biggest kisses a baby could get.

Your Pops could not get on a flight until Sunday, October 10,2010. He made it to the hospital at 1 pm. I have never seen more pride and love in someone’s face as what your Pops showed you when he saw you for the first time.  Before he even said hello to me he rushed to you and immediately picked you up and gave you the biggest and most loving hug.

You looked adorable in your hospital bassinet.

Here is a  picture of you with your Mopsy and Uncle Hugh in the hospital.

Here is a picture of the first time I got to hold you.

Here you are with your Mopsy in the hospital.

Your Mopsy stayed with us for four weeks. She helped me so much with everything around the house and with you. She was so gentle and loving to you. You loved to just cuddle in her arms. Your Pops got to stay with us for a little over two weeks. When you were really upset he was the only one that could calm you down. You would just hear his voice and melt into his arms. The sparkle you brought to both of their eyes was magical.

Here are some pictures of you with them while they were staying with us.

Here is a picture of you with your Dad shortly after we brought you home

You have brought so much joy to all of us! We are all blessed to have you in our lives.

We love you,

Mom and Dad

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